Friday, October 4, 2013

Frisky Friday: Adulthood, the Irony

As part of my ongoing process to become a "writer", I read other peoples blogs. I realize that I have probably no business in trying, but I do anyway. My favorite bloggers are brilliant. They have personality, a sense of humor, and an overall sense of "having it together." I do not have that luxury. Sometimes after a few glasses of wine, however, I feel like I do. I give myself the pep talk that goes a little something like this:

Me: Kristina, you have an apartment, you pay your bills, and hell, that blog post you wrote today, that was awesome. (Takes a big gulp of wine)

Me (again): You are talking to yourself, clearly you do not have it together. Where is the furniture you were supposed to buy?

Defending Myself: Who needs furniture, this wine is delicious. 

See what I mean? I'm pretty positive that I could have at least bought a chair with the amount of wine I purchase. But then again, after a very hard day, that chair won't comfort me the way a glass of chardonnay will; the (pardon my french) f!cks I give, fly out the window.

Anyways back to my bloggers. One of my favorite is Elizabeth Jayne Liu of Flourish In Progress. She is delightfully humorous and seemingly understands me. She loves rap and references it frequently. In fact, her "About Page" is so epic that I am jealous:

"Sometimes, I write for The Huffington Post. When I'm feeling especially thug, I give satirical advice on love, life, and assholes for Inside the Mind of a Ghetto Genius. My alias is Flo-rich."

Anyone who was lucky enough to know me in college knows that I went through a stage of being a Caucasian rapper. I would battle those who were brave enough and I would secretly PRAY that someone would pull the 9 card in "Kings Cup" so I could showcase my skills and bust an eloquent rhyme. I realize now, that I should only caucasianally rap and give up my dream. Miley seems to be doing a better job at it anyways; my ass is far too big for flesh colored shorts.

Back to my hero. EJL, is an amazing writer. Today in fact, she inspired me. She wrote a post titled "Adulthood: Also known as Shit Just Got Real". For starters, who wouldn't want to read that post. Anyone who has made it past 25 knows that adulthood is bullshit. Responsibilities become abundant and you can no longer get away with a night of drinking and pop into work fresh eyed and motivated. No, after 25, a night of drinking means death come 7 am. (For me at least). But she goes on to provide brilliant advice that I needed to share with my readers:

"Adulthood isn't about being perfect. Just pick one thing that's important to you (e.g. hydration) and dive into it. Make it your passion. Let that motherf!cker blossom and grow." 
-Elizabeth Jayne Liu

So while, I argue that I have no business writing or trying to maintain this blog, I do anyways. It's important to me and gives me meaning. It's undoubtedly my passion. Sorry y'all, you are stuck with me.

Happy Hour Readers: What is your passion? What do you dive into? 

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