Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lyrical Treasure?

They say that a writers best friend is the trashcan. In theory, this particular sentiment reigns the utmost truth. Many pieces of my writing have landed comfortably in the trash can in frustration, anger, or just plain disappointment. Writing is very much an art. When the words don't form the perfect picture you would like to depict, the paper instantly is torn into tiny, minuscule shreds that no human being could possibly ever see.

Like art, writing is very much a representation of self-expression; a lasting impression to be left on the reader. We aim to please; to take you away from the stresses that life eagerly presents itself day to day. For a brief moment we would like to take you along our journey, to inflict emotion and reflection. On a personal level, writing has become my therapy. When words have seemingly rendered me speechless, a piece of paper and a pen paint a landscape of everything I wish I could have said. All my thoughts, feelings, and secrets, have landed upon a blank piece of paper or word document. But more often than not, these pieces of paper find themselves ripped into tiny pieces on the bottom of a trashcan.

Today as I was writing, I began to wonder where all my "trash" disappeared to. Just because it has been thrown away, does it mean that is necessarily gone forever? Mae West, an iconic actress, once said: "Keep a journal, and one day it will keep you." Her words, although few, fell heavily on my mind. Like a message in a bottle, would someone eventually find my journal and read it? What impression would I leave on the reader? Would it keep my memory alive? The thought of writing with reckless abandonment revealing my thoughts, secrets, and desires is extremely enticing. The temptation to write what I really want to write is as desirable as the apple in Adam & Eve. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if all my torn up pieces of paper were pieced together like a puzzle revealing my unfinished thoughts or the things I wanted to say but never did. What would happen? Because the possibilities are endless, I continue to write. Who's to say that one day, my writing may become another person's treasure?

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