Monday, April 25, 2011

Excerpts & Confessions of an Unpublished Writer

It had been five years she quietly thought to herself. It was time to let go; time to move on. But how, she wondered? For years she had lived in an ever present struggle; an inner turmoil in which she desperately wished to escape. Eager to disperse her agony, she walked to the balcony of her hotel room. The ocean below her looked welcoming; a body of mystery in which she could find herself surrendering to. She watched as the waves violently crashed against the rocks. Surprisingly, the sounds of the waves soothed her. For a moment, she envisioned herself floating lifelessly through the cool water feeling the ripples of the water cascade across her naked body. As she gripped firmly onto the railing of her three story balcony, she knew.

As she stepped closer to the ledge, she thought of him. She could see him clearly in her unsettled mind.  Over the years she had memorized every contour of his masculine face. As her hands reached for his chiseled jaw she came to the realization that her vision was merely a mirage; a deep pool of water in an otherwise dry desert. His dark brown eyes pierced her imagination like daggers. From the moment she laid eyes on him, she loved him. Within seconds her heart belonged to him as if it were some unforeseen gravitational pull.

As the sea air blew through her tangled brown hair, she pealed her pearl earrings from her ears. They were the earrings he had given her after the accident. She hadn't taken them off, or thought about taking them off until now. In her wildest fantasies and dreams she had imagined these very earrings as a staple of their impending future. Tears slowly rolled down her delicate face as she closed her eyes and thought about the day he had given them to her. In the midst of her thoughts she opened her dreary eyes and stared at the sky. She had never seen the sky look so beautiful. As a child she had imagined the sky as an infinite blanket of wishes; dreams that would eventually come true. As she breathed in the sweet salty air for one last breath, he touched her arm.

Photo by: Andrew S Gibson Freelance Writer & Fine Art Photographer

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