Monday, October 15, 2012

Be-you-tiful: A Guide to Loving YOU!

The journey of self-love, is indeed that; a journey. Becoming comfortable in your own skin is a life-long process that involves letting go of  past insecurity and becoming satisfied with your body image, personality, skills, abilities and even your limitations.  But, before you get too discouraged, there are things that you can do RIGHT now that will lead you down the path of not only liking, but, LOVING who you see in the mirror!

Stop criticizing yourself!

For many, the mirror is a scary, shallow place. But why? Look at you girl! You are stunning!  Those laugh lines? The wrinkles? The scar from your childhood? These are all beautiful things because they are physical representations of who you are! Don't be ashamed of them! And while you are there, why don't you smile. Why? Because there is no one in the universe quite like you!

Be "Ok" with what you have accomplished so far.

Let's be honest, life does not always play fair. But look on the bright side: HOW you chose to react to life's little curve balls is what makes you the star player in the game. Be "ok" with small successes, the minute successes; the things that you are secretly proud of. You have a story to tell, and I can't wait to hear it.

Stay Positive.

Les Brown once said "Don't let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you-instead give to yourself that which empowers you." Empower yourself with positivity. Forget about those who wish to belittle your ambitions. You are valuable and never underestimate the power of you!

Know that you are wonderfully unique.

Dr. Suess was onto something when he uttered those infamous words: "Today you are you. That is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is youer than you." You are a divine collection of stories, secrets and beautiful anomalies. Please don't ever change!

You are MORE than you think you are.

You are a mother, a daughter, a best friend, a confidant. People have trusted you, loved you, admired you and inspired you. And you know what? People will continue to do these things because you are you!

You are bigger than that feeling of not-enough-ness.

You ARE enough even if there is a tiny voice in the back of your head doubting you. Stop trying to service the "ideal". The "ideal" is boring, and I prefer that quirky personality you got going on.

Be on your own side. 

Your a team player right? Then why don't you start playing on your team? The negative, unkind comments you tell yourself? That needs to stop. If you want people to support you and stand by your side, be confident with who you are. We dig confidence.

Ask for what you want.

That raise you have been hoping for? Put on that power suit, the killer heels, walk like you mean it and go ask your boss for what you rightfully deserve. Believe it or not, the sudden lack of subtlety, may win your boss's respect.

Open your heart.
You never know who or what will find it's way in...Love with fearless and reckless abandonment.

It's not over!

You are continually growing, changing, and creating. You can be who ever you would like to be. No one is stopping you! Be a chef today a world traveler tomorrow. Remember your kindergarten teacher asking: "What would you like to be when you grow up?" You can still be that star-struck, enthusiastic 5 year old version of yourself. Go ahead, follow that dream. Reach for that unattainable star. Life is happening whether you would like to admit it or not. READY, SET, GO!

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