Saturday, June 25, 2011


Her name was Anna and he had been searching for her for years. Her memory still very much engraved deep within his own; their hearts still beating as one. She was undeniably beautiful. The kind of beauty that can make a grown man fall to his knees in admiration. Her dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, often covering her ice blue eyes. Seductively she would stare deep into his soul, piercing his heart; captivation merely an understatement. Anna was her name, and he had been searching for her for years.

Their history was complicated. She had disappeared without notice; failed to warn him of the heartbreak that would soon follow. He had awoken his arms no longer around her slender body, the bed still warm from where she had lovingly positioned herself close to him. The sweet smell of vanilla and lavender lingering on her silk pillowcase. At first he had imagined it as a dream, that in the morning he would be greeted by her warm smile and intoxicating eyes. That he would wrap his body around her smooth, soft skin and make love to her. But her absence was all to real, she had left. She was gone.

He remembered searching for her; walking the dark streets of Los Angeles downing dark lagers at all her favorite bars hoping she would emerge on stage. If her beauty was not enough, she had a voice that could serenade a cobra. She aspired to be a star from the moment she sat on that wooden stool behind the microphone. Adourned in a black and ruby corset, fishnet stockings, and black pumps she sat; the heavy spotlight on her. When she sang, her audiences fell into trance; her kohl rimmed eyes staring deep into theirs.


1 comment:

  1. My version had more robots, fourth dimentions, and time travel. A touching sense of longing beautiful and a show of originality, heavy and brilliantly descriptive. Will there be more? Should she turn out to be admirable or villanous, I wonder. What mysteries await! This unexpected disappearance of this starlet woman...

    Perhaps we'll wait forever


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