Sunday, May 15, 2011

We get by with a little help from our friends...

I stumbled across this blog post today and my heart grew three sizes. I actually envisioned myself as the Grinch on Christmas morning when he finally discovered that the Who's in Whoville didn't need packages or ribbons to celebrate the spirit of Christmas.

Love, I am discovering, takes on many different forms. There is the kind of love that makes you weak in the knees; the kind of love that renders you speechless as you divulge in the concept of forever. There is the kind of love where you doodle red and pink hearts on tatered notebook paper; day dreaming as you scribble their name. There is unconditional love. The kind of love where you grow old with another individual; the vow you repeated on your wedding day. Then of course, there is the love that you share with your best friends; the kind of love that embodies understanding and acceptance. The kind of love that fails to disipate even when the romantic, unconditional, young love fades...

Please take a moment to read this blog post I found on LeLove. It is a tribute to all those who love their best friends. With that being said, I want to tell my best friends how much I adore them. xo

Click on the "Best Friends" Link below the picture

1 comment:

  1. This is just perfect! Every girl needs those best friends... I'm glad you're one of mine!! <3


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