Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homemade: Pumpkin Spice Lattes

I absolutely LOVE Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks but I am not so in love with the $4.95 price tag that came with my delicious autumn concoction

 Learn how to make it at home! 
&& To be completely honest, I cannot wait for Saturday and Sunday Morning to make these!

What you need to do:

Yes you, in that half-groggy just rolled out of bed state, start by:

Brewing a pot of your favorite
You want to stick to a neutral flavor, maybe a nice Breakfast Blend or a Colombian Blend. 
Let's not get crazy with the flavors just yet, although...a French Vanilla blend may be tasty
{I will experiment later && let you know}

Next, let's make the Pumpkin Milk 
What you need:

1 cup of milk 

1/4 heaping cup of pumpkin puree*

(*If you are anything like me, I was totally unsure of where to get pumpkin puree. Thanks to Google I was informed that you can purchase it in the grocery store in the baking aisle. It is also found in Organic/Specialty food stores. Winning.)

2 tsp. Pumpkin Spice Blend*
(Again, look for this spice in the spice section or baking section in your local grocery store)

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1tsp. Vanilla Extract

&& A sweetener of  your choice. 

Combine all ingredients together in a small bowl and whisk well! 
 Warm the finished Pumpkin Milk mixture in the microwave for 45 sec. 

Pour 1 cup of the brewed coffee into your favorite mug and pour half the pumpkin mixture over the coffee. Top with whip cream and a pinch of nutmeg and/or cinnamon and ENJOY!

*if you did not use all of the pumpkin milk it is perfectly safe to put the rest in the fridge and use later!*
Special thanks to: for recipe!

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